Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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We offer a free initial, no obligation consultation where we can assess your case. If you would like us to reclaim money for you, we would be delighted to act on your behalf on a no-win no-fee basis. This means that you will not have to pay a penny unless your claim is successful. The bill is then limited to a percentage of what you reclaim or receive in compensation.

The amount that you can reclaim, or the level of compensation you are entitled to will depend on the type of claim and your situation. For example, mis-sold products and services will usually involve  reclaiming a full refund plus interest. Other financial mis-selling claims, such as pensions, will involve a settlement that puts you back into the position you would be in had the mis-selling not occurred. We will always explain the basis of any claim and what we are seeking to obtain for you prior to progressing your claim.

Generally, we will initially collect any documents from you and details of anything you recall being told at the time you were mis-sold or advised. We will request any necessary documents from the “other side” (the company we are claiming from). If the other side is not willing to enter into negotiations at any early stage, which can happen, we may advise an immediate referral to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) or will initiate court action, whichever is the most suitable route for your claim.

We will keep you regularly updated on any progress and will always seek to obtain the best possible settlement for you.

Each claim is different. Most claims take between nine and twelve months to resolve. Some complex cases may take longer.

Why you should not delay

The right to reclaim money owed to you may have a time limit set in law. Even with no time limit attached, the sooner you start your reclaim process, the sooner you will receive a refund or the compensation owed to you.

We offer a free eligibility checker for UK residents where we carefully check and potentially reclaim for you. If you ask us to reclaim money for you, this is on a no-win no-fee basis.

No upfront payments are necessary and our legal costs are met as part of the claim.